
Digging The King In You, Chosen One!


Now is the time to inspire, educate, and tap into the phenomenal King qualities within you. There are incredible Kingly reminders inside this book that you can explore and apply to your daily routine which will motivate you to soar upwards in life. Learning new skills, toolsets, and practical ways to develop positive self-esteem and healthy thought patterns from the inside out is the greatest gift you can give yourself, King. You are unstoppable, worthy, and need to recognize your royalty. Always allow your powerful King light to shine boldly, courageously, and confidently!

I Dig The Skin I’m In, I Am Loving Myself Skin Deep!


I Dig The Skin I’m In, I Am Loving Myself Skin Deep book presents 12 values to inspire yet motivate children to rediscover ways to reshape, refocus and renew healthy thoughts from the inside out. These 12 values are unique and can be used to deposit positive seeds of greatness within to help transform and increase children’s self-esteem from within. The values obtained through their reading can then be demonstrated on the outside of who they are while valuing and loving their total selves, gracefully.



46 Chapters – 253 pages: A new novel by Jeanette Medearis – A father’s love begets hatred, jealousy, and betrayal as a murderous plot ensues among brothers. The family dynasty, Canaan Investments, Developments, and Associates Company, hangs in the balance of a spotlighted favoritism of Joe. Cast as the special One, Joe feels the burns of lost brotherly love. He soon finds himself the target of an animosity-filed scheme. Facing a devious crossroads, will Joe still be standing at the end?